"Do You Have Any Questions For Me?" Here Are a List of Insightful Questions to Ask Your Interviewer


A positive impression during your interview is more likely to gain you a job offer. When you ask your interviewer insightful questions, it demonstrates your commitment, thoughtfulness, and professionalism. A lot of job interview candidates fail at this portion of their interview.

Failing to ask the right questions during your job interview can be related to either stress at the time or not being prepared. If you want to set yourself up for success at your next job interview, keep these questions in mind so they emerge naturally during the conversation with the hiring manager or interviewer.

1. What is the Most Important Factor in this Position? How and Who Will it Support?

Asking and hearing the answer to this question at your job interview benefits you and tells the interviewer you are thoughtful and professional. Wanting to know more about the position is an indication you want to perform your duties well and want to ensure you understand what the job entails. You will also gain from this question by knowing what skills are required, who will supervise you, and who will support you in your position.

2. How Will My Success be Measured? Is There an Incentive for Exceeding Expectations?

These questions address expectations head-on and tell you what the potential employer will look for in your performance skills. Asking this question during your job interview should outline for you what excellence will look like in the position.

3. What Will My Expectations be For Managing Workflow?

Typically all work positions have an end to the day. While the company may have enough work to keep you busy all day, every day, there has to be a point when it's time to go home. A good question during your job interview is to know how you will know when you are done each day? Ask if there are expectations for working on weekends and if you will be required to perform any work-related tasks outside of working hours.

4. Will I Have an Opportunity to Learn, Grow, or Promote?

During your job interview, you want to display an intent to grow in your work experience. Asking if you'll have formal or informal mentoring and coaching to grow in your position is an excellent question. Companies want to hire people who display a desire for professional and personal growth with them. By asking this question, you will show the interviewer your continued development is important.

5. Have I Said Anything That Makes You Doubt My Ability to Qualify for this Position?

This question can be terrifying and should come at the close of your job interview. The answer might not be one you want to hear, but it does give you the chance to clear up any misunderstandings that might have come out of the job interview. By asking this challenging question, though, you should receive an answer that gives you a better insight into what to expect next.

The Job Interview

Remember, every job interview is a two-way street. The interviewer asks you questions to assess whether or not you are the right candidate for the position. At the same time, you want to evaluate them and ensure they are a company you will be comfortable working with. Asking insightful questions during your job interview will show the interviewer you are serious about the job and provide you some inside knowledge on how the company will treat you when hired.

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